When To Replace Your Existing Pool Safety Cover

When your in-ground swimming pool is closed for the winter, you want to ensure that people and pets don't fall into it. One of the best ways that you can achieve this goal is to mount a winter safety pool cover over the surface of the pool. This device, which attaches to your pool deck, will make it virtually impossible for anyone or anything to get into the pool. If you've had one of these covers for a long time, it may be time to start shopping for a new one. Here are three signs that it's time to replace your existing pool safety cover.


Whenever you get ready to install your pool safety cover, it's important to carefully scan the surface of it to look for tears. When a cover is old, tears may develop for several different reasons. When there's a tear in the cover, you can't be confident that it will do a good job of keeping people out of the pool. For example, if a child were to walk onto the cover near the tear, the tear could expand and cause the child to fall through. Upon noticing a tear, you'll want to contact a pool cover company to order a new cover. 


You might also think about replacing your existing pool safety cover when its color has faded to the point that it detracts from the appearance of the pool area in your yard. If you close your pool for the winter but don't get snow in your area, the cover will remain visible for several months. If the sun has faded the cover over the course of several years of use, you might want to replace it with something that looks better. New pool safety covers are available in many colors, making it easy to choose something that will complement the look of your yard.


A pool safety cover should stretch taut across the pool deck. Sagging, which can occur when a cover approaches the end of its lifespan, is a concern because it means that the cover has begun to lose some of its strength. If you notice that your existing cover has started to sag, you'll want to start shopping for a new cover that will offer the tautness and durability that you need for safety. 

To learn about other signs that your old pool cover is ready for replacement, contact a pool company, such as Budget Pool & Spa Tech Inc.
