Understanding Pool Cloudiness Issues

If you have a swimming pool that you enjoy during the summer, then you likely want to keep the water as crystal clear as possible. If this is a struggle for you and you find that the water is cloudy more often than not, then it may be time to start investigating the situation and trying to clear things up. Keep reading to learn about a few reasons why the cloudiness occurs and what you can do about it.

Large Number Of Contaminants

You probably add sanitizers like chlorine or bromine to your pool on a regular schedule, and you may test the water often to make sure that the chemical levels remain as consistent as possible. However, if you are noticing that more and more sanitizer is needed and that a cloudy appearance starts to develop, then it is likely that there are far too many contaminants in the pool for the chlorine to work. Reducing your contaminants can keep the water looking clear.

You want to start off by removing all of the solid materials that make your way into the pool. This means using your skimmer to collect all of the leaves and other debris particles that float into the pool. 

Also, while environmental debris is going to be your biggest contaminant issue, you are likely bringing a lot of contaminants into the water with you on your body. So, you want to reduce the sweat, lotions, perfumes, and skin cells that you are bringing into the pool. An easy way to do this is to rinse yourself off just before you get into your pool. 

Poor Filtration System

Since you cannot minimize all of the contaminants that get in your water, like the pollen, dust, and bacteria, then you will need a proper filtration system that removes them for you. If your pool filtration system is older or if it is in need some backflushing or new media, then you are going to end up with some cloudy pool water. 

You want to complete all of the necessary maintenance when it comes to your filtration system and invest in a new one if yours is more than 10 or 15 years old. 

Keep in mind that many systems will have specific filter cartridges that need to be changed. They will often last between one and two years, so check your filter if you are suddenly having a cloudiness issue. 

If you want to know more about pools and how you can deal with cloudiness, contact a pool maintenance company like After Hours Pool Service
