Got A New Pool? 2 Ways To Keep The Younger Swimmers Safe

If you had a new pool installed at your home, your kids and their friends will likely swarm to it. Besides putting a protective fence with a gate that locks around the pool to keep children from entering, there are ways you can make sure the children stay safe while they are inside the pool area. Follow the tips below and you can enjoy your pool this summer instead of worrying about someone drowning.

Pool Alarm

A pool alarm will alert you when someone gets into your pool. You can choose from different types of alarms, such as an alarm that floats on the surface of the water, an alarm that is mounted on the wall just below the water's surface, and an alarm that is mounted on the wall deeper into the pool. The alarms puts an infrared beam across the pool. The alarm is triggered by movement of the water, such as in waves when someone gets in. Once the alarm starts going off, it will not stop until someone turns it off.

There is a base station that you put somewhere outside the pool for these alarms. This allows you to easily turn it on and off. Some base stations need to be plugged in, and others are wireless.

Pool Covers

When you are not using your pool, make sure it is covered up so kids will not fall into the water accidentally. One way you can do this is by installing a safety net. This safety net looks much like the net on a tennis racket. Fasteners are placed around the pool, the net is stretched across the surface of the pool, and is then attached to the fasteners.  If a child accidentally falls in, they will not be able to fall through the net.

You can also install an automatic pool cover that will open and close remotely. This makes it much easier and quicker to close up the pool when you are finished swimming for the day, as well as shut down your pool for the winter.

If your kids do not know how to swim, you should sign them up for some swimming lessons, or you can teach them yourself at home. This is one of the best things you can do for their protection. Even though they can still drown, this can lessen the chances of it happening to them.

For professional pool contractors, contact a company such as Blue Haven KC
