Is Your Hot Tub Dirty? How to Get It Clean

If you have a hot tub, it can be relaxing to sit in after a long day, and can help ease your aching muscles. To keep enjoying it, however, you have to take care of it properly. This will ensure that it lasts a very long time for you. Follow the steps below to get your hot tub clean so you can continue enjoying it. Before you can do this, you will first need to drain the water out. If you are not sure how to do this, refer to the owner's manual.

Clean the Surface

Once the water is out, use a non-abrasive cleaner along with a nylon scrub brush or a soft rag to remove scum, dirt, and oil. You can also purchase a product to clean your hut tub from the manufacturer you purchased it from.

Check the Filters

When you have the inside of the hot tub clean, you need to check the filters. To do this, refer to the owner's manual, as not all hot tubs are the same. Remove the filters and inspect them. If you notice any tears, rips, or if the bases are a very dark color, you should replace them. If they are just dirty with oils and other fine particles, purchase a filter cleaner at any place that sells swimming pools and/or hot tubs, and follow the directions on how to get the filter clean. In most cases, you let the filter soak for a certain amount of time in the cleaner, rinse the filter off, and then put it back in.  You should inspect and replace your filters regularly, as over time their ability to filter out oils and dirt will diminish.

Clean the Cover

Remove the vinyl cover and use a garden hose to spray it down to loosen up any debris or dirt that may be on it. Mix together a mild soap solution of a few teaspoons of dish washing liquid into a gallon or so of water. Dip a rag into the solution to clean the vinyl cover on each side. When you are finished, rinse it off with a garden hose, and then wipe it off with a dry rag.

When you are all finished, you can fill the hot tub back up with water following the instructions in the owner's manual.

Not keeping your hot tub clean can cause you to become sick, such as with folliculitis, also known as hot tub rash, due to bacteria. Purchase some test strips to test the water to make sure the chlorine levels are adequate. Chlorine is important as it disinfects the hot tub. For assistance, talk to a professional like Anchor Pools & Spas.
