How To Repair A Hole In Your Vinyl Pool Liner

If you have a vinyl pool liner, you have probably already noticed how thin the vinyl is. It can be easily damaged by plastic pool toys or other objects that do not belong in the pool. It can also be damaged from excessive pool play, over-use or even from poor weather conditions such as rain, hail or ice in the winter. Whatever the cause of the damage, small repairs can be made by yourself with a vinyl repair kit that can be purchased your local pool store. See below for instructions on how to repair a hole in your vinyl liner.

Here's What You'll Need:

  • Pool repair kit
  • Hose
  • Utility knife


If there is a lot of water leaking from your pool liner, you may have a much bigger problem than just a small hole. Figure out first if you have a small hole or if it's a bigger problem. Your pool  linermay be unstable if there is a big leak, so empty the water out first. If there is just a small leak, you should be able to get into the pool to find the hole.

  1. Once you have found the hole, you'll need to empty out the water from your pool using your pool's filter and a hose to divert the water. Empty the water only to a level just below the hole. You don't want to empty too much water if you don't have to.
  2. Allow the area around the hole to dry before applying a patch.
  3. Open your pool repair kit and cut a piece of vinyl patch to cover the hole. It should be slightly larger than the hole itself.
  4. Apply the adhesive to the back of the patch and to the area around the hole. Apply the patch to the hole and allow it to dry. Read the pool repair kit to see how long you should allow the patch to dry.
  5. Once the patch is dry, you can begin refilling your pool with water.

Be sure that you are ready to repair the hole in your liner immediately after draining the water. You don't want your vinyl liner left out in the sun without water for too long, as the vinyl liner can shrink and tear when you try to refill it with water. Try to repair the pool liner when it is not in full sunlight, such as later in the afternoon.

Repairing small holes in your liner is fairly simple to do. Be sure to keep an eye on the patch to ensure it isn't leaking. If you have a big leak in your pool, or a large tear, it may be time for a new liner. Contact a professional service like Splash Swimming Pools to come and take care of any larger repairs your liner may need.
