Four Tips To Help You Prepare Your Pool For One Last Summer Blast

As the end of summer nears, you may want to have one last event at your pool before it is time for winterizing and closing. Even though it may be the close to the end of the swimming season, your pool will still need upkeep. Keeping up with things now and preparing for the winter will make opening the pool a lot easier. Here are some tips to help you prepare your pool for the final summer fun event this year:

1. Shocking Your Pool Before The Big Day

Before you last pool event, you will want to shock it. This is the process of raising the chlorine level to kill off any bacteria. It is a good idea to do this a couple of days before your event to give the chlorine levels time to go down. If the chlorine is still high on the day of the event, you can use a reducer to bring it down to safe swimming levels.

2. Vacuuming Debris And Adding Algaecide

During the late summer, your pool will become more at risk of algae blooms. To prevent this, make sure that you vacuum out any loose debris, such as leaves and plant materials. You can also add an algaecide to help control blooms. You can do this after you shock your pool to ensure that it is safe and clean for swimming when you have guests over.

3. Shocking And Adding Winterization Treatment 

When the event is over, you will be ready to prepare it for winter. You can shock it one last time before you close it. This will help to keep chlorine levels high enough to keep the water clean and reduce spring time maintenance. You may also want to add a winterization treatment, but you can wait to add it until you are done using your pool.

4. Preparing To Close The Pool And Install The Winter Cover

Once the pool has been treated with shock and winterization chemicals, it is time to prepare it for closing. You will want to turn the pumps off and bleed the water out of the lines to prevent damage from winter freezes. You can put the cover on it to protect it from debris during the winter, which will make spring time cleaning a much simpler chore.

These are some of the maintenance tasks that you will want to be sure to do for your last summer blast. If you are ready to close your pool and need maintenance and repairs done, contact a pool repair contractor to get help making sure your pool is ready for next summer.

For professional pool management, click on this link or do an online search. 
